This is our Blog section of the website were we will offer you promotions, discounts, and inform you of laws, regulations, changes, etc. This is our own way to keep you in the loop and up to date with changes that may be coming. Its our own promotional page and its also a place you can provide us with feedback. You simply will enter the following information:
• GENERAL: Is used to give general information normally used by administrators of the ABC Credit website.
• QUESTION: is used to ask a question that we will respond within 72 hours from receipt.
• FEEDBACK:Is used to provide feedback both positive or negative to ABC Credit. (These may or may-not receive a response.)
• HELP!!: Is used if you need help or need us to respond to you. Please keep in mind that blogs are not secured and can be viewed everywhere that the world wide web is accessed.
• KUDOS TO ABC CREDIT: Is to give us credit or a high five if you will on our services, staff, or any positive experience you have encountered that we do differently.